One of the top motivations to sell your Texas home yourself is the money you believe you could save. We all know that real estate commissions can tap into your profit margin, tacking on potentially thousands of dollars to your bottom line.
However, the actual cost of hiring a real estate agent is relative to things like how much extra you can earn from the sale of your home and how much faster you can find a buyer ready and willing to pay top dollar for their perfect home. When you factor in emotional decisions, negotiation skills, legal expertise, and free time to seek out and reel in a pool of qualified buyers, you realize there is more to hiring an agent than just marketing your property.
The luxury real estate agents at Lonestar Living Team know all about getting you the biggest bang for your buck. Far too often, we see the risks of FSBO properties outweighing the benefits. We encourage you to start thinking about us as an investment rather than an expense. We’ve got eight powerful reasons to sell your home with us.
We show buyer’s agents you mean business
Buyer’s agents like to see a professional colleague working on the other end of the real estate transaction. When sellers go it alone, agents often hesitate, citing the hassles and risks of trying to close the deal without a professional representing the seller—and without a guaranteed commission.
Buyer’s agents who were burned in the past by sellers refusing to pay commissions view FSBOs as unrealistic, unreasonable, and difficult to work with. Working with a seller’s agent is the best way for buyer’s agents to take you seriously and get you the best price.
We check your emotions at the door
Few sellers consider emotional intelligence a sign of an excellent real estate agent. However, selling a home is an emotional process. The right agent keeps you one step removed so that your tunnel vision doesn’t cost you in mistakes like overpricing your home, refusing to counter a low but innovative offer, or settling for less just to meet a deadline. Intelligent agents know how to communicate without the sense of eagerness or desperation that leads to lower offers.
Dealing with rejection comes with the territory of selling a house. However, an agent can take the sting out of denial, put a positive spin on negative feedback, and keep your emotions out of the sale and your head in the game.
Consider us your perfect third party and someone you can trust to bounce ideas around. We can turn unpleasant news into constructive criticism that you can use and digest to power forward.
It’s a full-time job
You might think selling a home is a part-time job you can tackle on the side. However, make no mistake: it’s a full-time commitment.
Selling a home often means rushing home from work to meet up with a buyer, excusing yourself from meetings to answer the phone, and harnessing whatever energy you have left at the end of the day to take advantage of every possible opportunity to market your home.
Are you an expert in marketing homes with years of experience navigating the real estate market? Probably not. So why not put a lockbox on your front door, giving an agent the power to show your home even while you’re out juggling the rest of what life throws your way?
We know people (who know people)
How many people in your personal or professional network can you depend on to spread the word that your house is for sale? When you sell your home with Lonestar Living, your network grows tenfold with clients, agents, and other real estate professionals ready to bring the largest pool of potential buyers to your home.
A bigger pool of buyers means more demand, selling your home faster and for more money. We’ve collected thousands of email addresses over the years and can send out an email blast within 48 hours of listing your property. Consider our network a giant head start you can leverage just before we market your property on every available website, MLS, and real estate network to keep the momentum going strong.
We qualify your pool of buyers
We separate the qualified buyers from the dreamers and the curious neighbors, saving you countless headaches and wasted time spent making your house look perfect, meeting up with potential buyers, and showing your home every time a lead shows interest. We limit the number of hassles you experience by filtering your pool of potential buyers down to the ones most likely to buy your home.
We’re skilled at interviewing prospects to determine seriousness, qualification, and buying motivation. We can help you figure out how long buyers have been looking for a home, the types of other houses on their lists, the schools on their radar, and whether they are cash buyers or prequalified. Part of our magic is moving qualified and motivated people to the point of purchase, which is a skill gained over the years in real estate.
During a showing or tour, your presence in the home can also make buyers uncomfortable. There’s an unwritten rule in real estate that the owner should never be around during a showing. Instead, buyers would rather tour the home following a seller’s agent. Otherwise, uncomfortable buyers could rush through the house without noticing or remembering things that would otherwise pique their interests.
We negotiate for you

You could have sales experience as a professional selling a product or service. However, negotiating a home sale is a different beast. You can count on buyers working with an agent who has the type of negotiation skills that hinder your chances of making a great deal. The best thing you can do to keep money in your pocket is to show up to the game with a skilled negotiator of your own. We’re ready to put our experience negotiating hundreds of home purchases to work for you. We know all the games, including warning signs of a nervous or disingenuous buyer.
However, landing you a great deal demands more than negotiation experience and skill. We also show up to the table free from the emotional factors that drive sellers to make poor decisions. Rather than lose a great deal after receiving a lowball offer, we help you step back, take a deep breath, and consider a smart counter offer that you might otherwise walk away from.
We also understand local customs, market conditions, and the market's pulse, including what’s driving the demand. We know what terms are worth negotiating, which are better to let go of, and who should pay fees like transfer taxes and closing costs.
We spot your home’s overlooked flaws
Our job is to know what makes homes sell, including all the changes you need to make to attract the right buyers and get the best offers. The same flaws you overlook (because you see them every day or don’t see them) can show up on our radar. We also turn feedback from potential buyers into constructive criticism, helping you put your home’s best foot forward.

Our network of professionals can help you assess your home’s condition and market appeal, from interior designers to property stagers. We also know deep cleaning professionals who can spot and remove things like pet odors you don’t smell (but buyers definitely will) because you live with them every day.
We mitigate your legal risks

You need an expert to tackle the enormous amount of legal paperwork in a home sale. We gather the essentials, like seller’s disclosures and other aspects that could hold you liable for fraud, negligence, or breach of contract. We know all about disclosure laws and all the things a buyer can come back at you for and potentially sue you after moving in and discovering a problem. We’re also protected with professional errors and omissions insurance, so buyers may not need to pursue you for damages.
The bottom line
Selling a house and making one of your life’s most significant transactions without a realtor is risky business. Can you save money by flying solo? Sure.
However, think about the advantages of gaining broader exposure for your property and negotiating a better deal, dedicating time to your listing, and keeping your emotions in check. You can depend on our expertise to keep you free and clear from a complex transaction with many potential financial and legal pitfalls. In the end, you can save so much more by selling your home with a
Lonestar Living Team. Contact us today, and let’s sell your home together!